

Government brings a system of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. It is the next most important economic reform item on the Narendra Modi government’s agenda after the Demonetisation. 
This is one reform which affects all of us. As usually about taxes it is also a complicated reform. In my this blog I try to present an overview on GST and explain why it is expected to make a difference to all of us. 


GST (GOODS & SERVICES TAX) – It is also known as VAT or the value added tax in many countries is a multi-stage consumption tax on goods and services. GST will replace various other taxes such as Excise, VAT and Service Tax with a single tax structure. 

First to know - How is India’s tax system structured today? 

Direct Taxes 

The Indian constitution divides taxation powers between centre and states. Both levels of government have some exclusive and described areas where they can levy tax. Income tax is the exclusive domain of central government, which includes tax on company profits. These taxes are referred to as direct taxes. 

Indirect Taxes 

These are taxes levied on manufacture of goods, consumption and provision of services. Generally indirect taxes levied on manufacture of goods or provisions of services are the exclusive domain of central government. Taxes on consumption are the exclusive domain of state governments. 

What is the problem by the tax system structured today? 

Multiplicity of taxes: 

Taxes by Union Government, State Governments and the local governments have resulted in difficulties and harassment to the tax payer. Complexity and corruption: A provoking feature of the Indian tax system is its complexity. Both direct and indirect tax laws are complex. This provides enough scope for avoiding and evading taxes. 

Bias in incidence of taxes: 

As per the indirect taxation enquiry committee, “The burden of the urban households was distinctly higher than the rural households in the corresponding expenditure class”. Urban population is taxed far higher than the rural rich. 

Lack of built-in elasticity: 

Income from taxation does not increase automatically in India in proportion to increase in National income. Hence, the government is compelled to increase taxes every year to maintain a constant tax income ratio.

Generally speaking there are two important problems with the current arrangement. 

First, keep in mind that some good such as a Jeans has to first be manufactured before it is consumed. The central government, therefore, levies its indirect tax called central excise at the factory gate. Subsequently, a jeans reaches a retail outlet and is bought by a consumer. The state government at this stage levies a tax on consumption dubbed value added tax (VAT). So, we have a tax at the factory gate which adds to the cost of the jeans and another tax on the final price. 

State also have their exclusive domain on consumption tax within their borders, they treat goods coming from other states as ‘Imports’. 

For example, if a jeans maker in Delhi buys dye in Haryana, he would have paid central excise and Haryana’s state taxes on the product. On this cost, Delhi government would levy its tax if the jeans are sold in the state. If the jeans are sent across Delhi’s border and sold in Uttar Pradesh, an ‘export’ tax called central sales tax is collected by Delhi.

By the above example it is clear that India is politically one country, but economically it is fragmented. There are multiple taxes when there is commerce across state borders. Therefore it increases costs for everyone and makes economic activity within India for Indians complicated. 

How will GST help? 

GST is a better and fairer tax system compared to SST. GST is levied on the supply of goods and services at each stages of the supply chain from the supplier up to the retail stage of the distribution. Even though GST is imposed at each level of the supply chain, the tax element does not become part of the cost of the product because GST paid on the business inputs is claimable.

The basic fundamental of GST is its self-policing features which allow the businesses to claim their input tax credit by way of automatic deduction in their accounting system. This eases the administrative procedures on the part of businesses and the Government. Thus, the Government’s delivery system will be further enhanced.

How will GST help consumers?

GST (GOODS & SERVICES TAX) – It is also known as VAT or the value added tax in many countries is a multi-stage consumption tax on goods and services. GST will replace various other taxes such as Excise, VAT and Service Tax with a single tax structure.

Today consumers have no idea about the extent of taxes they pay on goods. If you get a bill after buying merchandise which gives the extent of VAT you have paid, it is an understatement of the actual tax you have paid. From the above example we know that before merchandise reached the retail outlet, the central government has collected excise duty. The extent of excise duty is not mentioned in the bill. Therefore today it is reasonable to assume we pay over 20% tax for the most merchandise we buy. 

In GST Consumers should benefit in two ways. 

First of all, all taxes will be collected at the point of consumption. It means that if a jeans is taxed at 18%, it will include both central government’s taxes and state government’s taxes. Transparency in taxation should deter governments from indiscriminately increasing taxes as there is bound to be public backlash.

Second one is that, once barriers between states are removed, we as consumers will not end up paying ‘tax on tax’ which is what happens when goods move across state borders.

All above are for the improvement of our Country’s (INDIA) GDP.

Now see the impact of GST : 

Positive Impact of GST : 

• A unified tax system removing a bundle of indirect taxes. 
• Less tax compliance. 
• Removes cascading effect of taxes. 
• Manufacturing costs will be reduced,hence prices of consumer goods likely to come down. 
• Due to reduced costs some products like cars,FMCG etc.will become cheaper. 
• A unified tax regime will lead to less corruption which will indirectly affect the common man. 
Hence,this is possible only if the benefit is actually passed on to the consumers. 

Negative Impact of GST : 

• Services will become expensive.e.g.Telecom,banking,airline etc. 
• Being a new tax,it will take some time for the people to understand its implications. 
• It is easier said than done.There are always some complications attached. It is a consumption based tax,so in case of services the place where service is provided needs to be determined. 
• If actual benefit is not passed to consumer and seller increases his profit margin,the prices of goods can also see a rising trend.

However,GST is a long term strategy and the positive impact shall be seen in the long run only.

Let us hope GST proves to be a game changer in a positive way and proves to be beneficial to the common man.



English Practice paper / Sample paper for CTET 2017/TET exams with answers. No need to download. You can also check your marks. CTET/TET 1st Practice Paper - ENGLISH - I/II. CTET/TET PRACTICE PAPER - ENGLISH - 1st

2nd Practice Paper of S.St in Hindi

5th Practice Paper of S.St in English

Directions (1-30) Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. Best Of Luck.

Q1 - While writing, a student finds difficulty in expressing his/her views clearly due to lack of vocabulary. A possible solution would be the following

Q2 - _______ education is to use the student's native language to teach some academic content while simultaneously providing an additional L2 instruction.

Q3 - _______ facilitate communication between schools as well as between students/teachers and programmes or between students/teachers and data.

Q4 - A factual description of a laboratory equipment, for a school science journal, requires the student to present the following

Q5 - A reading activity where students focus on phonemic sounds, pronunciation and intonation can be used to assess

Q6 - Learning a language involves the processess of listening, speaking, reading and writing. These processes involve

Q7 - Conssidering students learning styles broadens the approaches taken to help language-related problems. An example of a learning style is

Q8 - Proverty of stimulus with respect to language acquisition among young children implies that they would

Q9 - An early emphasis on lingistic accuracy along with prompt error correction in L2 class at Class V level results in students

Q10 - Learners who develop an increased awareness of 'their own style' of learning and teacher's awareness of students individual style enhance _______ learning.

Q11 - To develop language functions, teaching of speaking skills for younger children would include

Q12 - To access listening skills, the teacher has framed an activity. What can the assessment be based on?

Q13 - When students work in pairs or groups, they just end up chatting in their own language. This can be overcome/monitored by

Q14 - Communicative competence is a subset of functional grammar and its approach in teaching will allow students to

Q15 - Two competency areas, which give a language learner in progress the ability to communicate competently, are

Q16 - Providing students _______ can encourage second language acquisition.

Q17 - Generally speaking, the first language is

Q18 - Language learning is better achieved if what students learn

Q19 - An activity asks students to determine from a list of possible answers with a title, what kind of information will appear in an input text before an audio recording is played. Here students are

Q20 - A speaking activity can be made more purposeful by

Q21 In the communicative classroom, learners acquire the grammar of second language to

Q22 - Structures in second language are better assimilated in a pedagogical practice

Q23 - Error correction in students written work is most effective when the teacher

Q24 - Students always find it difficult to listen to and understand a second language presentation inside or outside their class. This can be helped by

Q25 - When they encounter unfamiliar words during a reading activity, students should be trained to _______ while processing the meaning of the whole text.

Q26 - Identify, the question that accesses students ability to infer the meaning of the text.

Q27 - While assessing a report of a school programme for a class journal, the following are the main criteria.

Q28 - While learning a language, the _______ instruction provides opportunities for independent study, a wide range of regerence material and immediate feedback about achievement.

Q29 - A dual-language classroom consisting of students speaking a native language and the target language is beneficial because it

Q30 - A student has difficulty in applying the learned knowledge, for example, in word problems, the student also fails to translate sentences into equations or identify the variables. A possible solution to this problem could be

Structure and content of CTET 2017

All questions in CTET test will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.

There will be two papers of CTET.

i) Paper I will be for a person who intents to be a teacher for classes I to V.
ii) Paper II will be for a person who intents to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII.

Minimum Qualifying Marks in CTET 2017 Exam

To qualify the CTET 2017 exam, the candidates will have to secure the minimum qualifying marks. The minimum qualifying marks has been fixed by the Board.

> Candidates securing 60% or more will be declared CTET qualified.
> Candidates who will clear the exam will be issued CTET qualifying certificate. The Certificate will be valid for appointment till seven years from the date of declaration of its result.

Details required for checking the CTET Answer Key 2017

> Roll No
> Date of Birth

CTET Answer Key 2017 - Steps to download

As CTET Answer Key 2017 will be released only in the online mode and therefore, it is should be know the procedure of downloading. The answer key will be available in pdf format hence download it as accordingly. Step be step process is described here:
> The candidate can visit the link given in the post so as to proceed further.
> Find the answer key related link in the column of latest news and select to open.
> Download the CTET Answer Key 2017 as according to the set and paper.
> Compare the answers in the answer key with the answers in OMR sheet.

CTET Answer Key 2017 - Steps to use

Downloading the Answer Key 2017 of CTET is not enough the candidate must know the procedure to use the answer key. For the candidate's sake of convenience, the description of the process of answer key is given here.

> First is to obtain the answer key by downloading it.
> Check the no options the candidates have marked correctly in the exam.
> Compare the answers in the Answer Key of CTET 2017 as per the test booklets with one in the OMR sheet.
> For each correct answer, the candidates will be provided 1 mark.
> As there is no negative marking hence no marks will be deducted for wrong answers.
> Calculate the total marks. These marks are the estimated score.

Calculation of marks from CTET Answer Key 2017

Candidates after checking the Answer Key of CTET 2017 can calculate an estimated score in the exam. The Candidates should calculate the marks in the following method:

> Candidates should check the responses marked by them correctly in the exam.
> For every correct response, the candidates will get 1 mark.

There is no negative marking in the CTET exam.

CTET Answer Key 2017 - Advantages

Several benefits are associated with the CTET Answer Key 2017. The answer key is the extremely useful document for the candidates. Some of the advantages of the answer key are listed here:

> It is helpful in estimating the marks in the exam paper.
> The candidates can come to know that whether they are in the recruitment race or left out.
> The candidate can make the rough approximation of his rank in the rank list.
> Last but not the least, the CTET Answer Key 2017 is beneficial to eradicate the stress of marks from the mind of the candidates.